change the paradigm of the public about waste

People's behavior: Dispose of litter
( Perilaku masyarakat : Buang Sampah Sembarangan )

The trash problem is not just only how to process or manage garbage, tetai also related to cultural issues / sociology society. Indonesia Society generally does not care about the trash, like litter, and self-interest. The paradigm is wrong is probably part of the reason why a lot of junk programs that do not work. Changing the paradigm of waste into one integral part of these efforts in an integrated waste management.

A simple example. In a land with the announcement of the stakes are very striking: DO NOT WASTE WASTE HERE. In fact there are many people who throw trash in it. Matching or other restrictions, such as: NOT DUMP GARBAGE IN THE RIVER, REMOVE GARBAGE IN PLACE, THE WASTE WASTE HERE SATAN. Announcements it as just an empty patch without meaning, like the kind has no teeth, no one is paying attention or observe such restrictions.

Another example. Government or other agencies has long provided three different bins. The waste bins for plastic or metal, one for waste paper bins and one bin for organic waste. His writing is huge, flashy colors, and still clearly legible from a considerable distance. The color is made different. The problem now, whether citizen or community has made waste in accordance with the place. The answer is no. They throw trash own way without regard writings.

The government has also tried to make regulations about waste that would punish people who litter. One was fined Rp. 50 rb for people caught littering. Is this regulation ever imposed? Has anyone fined for littering? The answer we already know everything. Regulation is only just writing on paper.
Finding the Root Problem

As I mentioned above, there is no truth about the root causes of waste in Indonesia. But in my experience to wrestle on this garbage, one of which is the wrong paradigm of garbage. Garbage is stuff / something that has no use at all. Garbage is smelly. Trash is a breeding source of various diseases. And stigma-negative stigma.

They know that littering is not good, but they still littering.
They know that throwing garbage in the river can cause clogged streams and cause flooding, but they still throw garbage into rivers / waterways.
They know that organic waste can be composted, but they ith composting.
They know that the waste should be separated, but they are lazy sifting through garbage.
And so on .. and so on .......

The government has a lot of spending a lot of money for a variety of programs on waste management. Building a landfill, making trash places, bringing hi-tech technology from outside, and many other programs. These programs are much focused on physical programs. Non-physical side has not been touched, or even if there is only complementary.

Though the problem of 'non-physical' is no less important than the physical programs. Thus this is more difficult, takes a long time, continuity, and funds are not small. Changing a habit, culture, and the paradigm is not a simple matter. Not enough that only one or two years.

Therefore, I hope the programs related to cultural paradigm shift and become an integral program of waste management programs initiated by the government. Portion must also be proportional to the physical programs.

Many ways you can do. One way is to include in the curriculum, both starting from the kindergarten level - until the university. Education is one of the methods that have been proven to change the culture systematically. Educational institutions should be an example in the implementation of waste management.

Next is appeal-an appeal through the media, both electronic (TV, radio) and print media (newspapers, magazines, newsletters, etc.). The call can be in the form of public service ads. Or it could be inserted in commercial advertisements. Not to be clear, the message can be conveyed by implication. The media (journalists) can display news about the harmful litter. On the other hand, appear also news about people who have succeeded in managing waste. If the print media could be written about the technology of waste management, waste utilization, and other things related to it.

Government or other relevant institutions can print posters, bulletins, or newsletters about the garbage. These materials are distributed in public places, mosques, on the city bus, train, or other strategic places. The program is also conducted regularly and continuously. Each stage must be evaluated so that the program's success can also be measured. Large companies can channel some funds CSR for these programs. Not only physically, but also the non-physical.

Another program is the awards. Adipura award or awards such as Kalpataru need to be encouraged back. Besides cities awarded Adipura also get extra funding for waste management programs and the environment. The numbers should be large enough to attract more local governments. People who are successful in managing waste also need to get the attention and appreciation.

Along with the above programs, law enforcement should be implemented strictly. Local regulations already implemented consistently. Along with increasing public pemahanam garbage, penalties or fines were applied strictly.

It sounds like UTOPIA, the ideal conditions that exist only in a fairy tale. Do not be too skeptical. Efforts should still be made. Starts the most likely and the most easy to do. Starting from ourselves. At the start of our own family. At the start of beradar areas under our control. Not impossible, land of dreams will be realized in this country. Wallahu'alam.

1 komentar

  1. can never cared, society in general .....
    what about the concern for the trash ...


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